Track Tec Group again at the 2018 INNOTRANS fair
Once again, Track Tec Group will exhibit at the 2018 INNOTRANS fair in Berlin. Apart from its spectacular fair stand, the Group will also present its state-of-the-art Smart Railway Turnout by Track Tec, available at the outdoor...[more]
Track Tec – development is in its DNA
Significant investments in the Polish railway infrastructure have led to a great increase in demand for materials and goods. Large demand will remain for a number of years and will grow due to the implementation of the railway...[more]
Track Tec Group awarded for turnout installation train
Track Tec Group has received an award for the innovative turnout installation train during the 2nd edition of the “Safety Culture in Railway Transport” initiative. The goal of the competition is to promote broadly understood...[more]
Track Tec Group recognised for its contribution to railway development
For many years, Track Tec Group has been involved in the work of the Polish Association of Transport Engineers & Technicians, whose mission is to develop technology in the fields of civil engineering and transport. Today, the...[more]
Track Tec: Production line from Serbia already in Poland
The planned move of the prestressed concrete sleepers’ production line from a Serbian plant bought by Track Tec is becoming reality. After analysing locations in the country and abroad, the Group has chosen Goczałków. [more]
Track Tec turnouts in Amsterdam
KolTram, a turnout producer and a company belonging to Track Tec Group, is finalising the delivery of a contract for the supply of 12 tram turnouts to Amsterdam. The first batch consisting of 8 turnouts has already been delivered...[more]
Track Tec Group delivered crossings to the world's largest iron ore mine
Track Tec Group has delivered crossings to the world's largest iron ore mine, located in the northern part of Sweden. Resistance to wear and tear higher than when using standard rail steel, which is guaranteed by the Company,...[more]